Janet Bressie


Mrs. Janet Bressie, aged 58 years, 5 months and 10 days, passed away suddenly at her home in Roberts at about 5 o'clock on Friday evening following an attack of acute indigestion. Mrs. Bressie was enjoying her usual health on Thursday and that evening she was about her home mowing grass and attending to regular duties. On Friday morning she was taken suddenty ill and her condition was such that a local physician was summoned. She was apparently doing finely on Friday and asked to be assisted so that she could sit up in bed. A few minutes later she breathed her last.
Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Jessie Samuels, Clinton; Mrs. Celestia Joseph, Page, N.D.; Mrs. Louise Kenward, Page, N.D.; Mrs. Ottie Minch, Roberts, and Mrs. Edith Roberts, Rantoul.
The death of Mrs. Bressie removed a lady of beautiful Christian character from our village and one who will be greatly missed. Funeral services which were held on Monday afternoon were very largely attended.

--Paxton Record. 14 June 1928.

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