Mary Wickman Bach

Mrs. Philip Bach died Thursday, Nov. 2, after several month's illness with heart trouble. Her maiden name was Mary Wichman [sic]. She leave to mourn her loss her husband and two children. the funeral was held Sunday. Short services were held at the home and remains were laid to rest in the Roberts cemetery.

--Paxton Record.  10 November 1910.

Mrs. Philip Bach

Mary Wickman was born in Germany July 10, 1879, and departed this life at her home near Melvin, Friday morning, Nov. 4, 1910, aged 31 years, 3 months and 24 days. The deceased came to America with her parents while yet quite young and for several years has lived in this county. She was united in marriage to Philip J. Bach Thursday, February 20, 1902. They began housekeeping on a farm southeast of Roberts. To this union two sons were born, both of whom are living, one aged four years and the other one year.
She was a kind mother, a dutiful wife, a good neighbor and a faithful Christian.
She leaves, besides the husband and children mentioned above, her father, six brothers and two sisters, all of whom reside in the neighborhood of Sibley and Anchor.
The funeral services were held at the M. E. church in Roberts Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Busing, pastor of the German Methodist church of Melvin, officiating, assisted by Rev. DeClark, of Roberts. The funeral was one of the largest held in Roberts for some time. The remains were laid to rest in Lyman cemetery.  --Roberts Herald.

-- Paxton Record.  17 November 1910.

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