O. C. Dilks

O. C. Dilks, 69, Lyman Township Supervisor, Dies

Oliver C. Dilks, 69, supervisor of Lyman Township, passed away Friday morning at 8:30 o'clock in his home at Roberts, Ill., following an illness which began shortly before Christmas.
Mr. Dilks, a native of England, who came to the United States in 1893, made this country his home for the remainder of his life. He operated hotels in Luddington, Mich., Geneva, and Roberts, Ill., although he learned the tailor's trade in his native country.
During his residence in Roberts since 1912 Mr. Dilks was one of the leaders in civic movements which had for their purpose the betterment and upbuilding of the community. His genial personality, his high ideals and his consideration for the rights of others won for him a countless number of friends who are deeply grieved by his passing. Had he lived until April 30, he would have been seventy years of age.
Surviving besides his devoted wife are one daughter, Mrs. John Johnson, of Roberts; two sons, Oliver, of Watseka, and Attorney Sidney H. Dilks, of Paxton. A daughter Evelyn, died in 1914, and a son, Arthur, met death in an accident in Ohio in 1928. Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. Lizzie Kendrick; the brothers, Sidney and Titus, in England; the brother, Tom, of Mt. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and three grandchildren.
Mr. Dilks was a member of the Episcopal church in England but during his residence in Roberts he was a regular attendant at services in the Congregational church which adjoins his home.
As a member of the board of supervisors of Ford county he was diligent in his duties and made many lasting friendships, throughout the county because of his fairness in the conduct of his office. He also served as a member of the Ford County Selective Service Board but was forced to relinquish these duties when his health became impaired just before the holidays.

--Paxton Record.  8 April 1943.

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