Thomas McNeish died on Tuesday from injuries received on the evening of the Fourth, by the explosion of a sky rocket in his hands. A year ago on the Fourth, one of rockets purchased for the occasion failed to explode. Mr. McNeish's son picked it up and preserved it for this year. Upon his return home from his shop on Saturday evening he took it up, and while examining it, devising some plan by which it might be set off, it exploded, tearing his left hand to pieces, destroying his left eye and fracturing his skull above his eye. Four physicians, Drs. Cassingham, Perry, Chapin and Dick, were soon on the spot, doing all within human skill to relieve his suffering and save his life. His hand was amputated and his wounds dressed, and until Monday he appeared to have a fair chance for life, but about 2 o'clock p.m. of that day he began sinking and 2:30 Tuesday morning passed away. He leaves a wife and five children to mourn his loss.
--Paxton Record. 9 July 1891.
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