Accident Happened Thursday at Thawville
Gerald Gullett, a fine young man of the Roberts community died Saturday morning about 9:00 a.m. at the Mercy Hospital in Urbana of injuries, received in a car-truck accident about 1:30 a.m. Thursday, November 16th near Thawville.
The accident occurred as Gullett and Don Shambrook, also of Roberts, owner and passenger in the car, were returning from Gilman. Their car, headed south, struck the rear of the truck. Gullett was pinned in the car. The car was demolished.
Don was asleep at the time of the crash. He had become sleepy at Ridgeville and gave the wheel to Gerald. He was slightly injured. Clarence Carson, driver of the truck was uninjured.
Gerald was taken to the Paxton Hospital. He suffered severe shock concussion, compound skull fractures, punctured sinuses, a crushed shoulder, and a broken arm. He was moved Thursday from the Paxton Hospital to the Mercy Hospital in Urbana. The Danforth ambulance was used.
Gerald Gullet was born on April 6, 1930, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Gullett, at Roberts, Illinois. He attended Roberts schools and was graduated with the class of 1948. He took part in many school activities and was a fine athlete. Following graduation he was employed by the C. W. Hicks Oil Company.
Surviving are his parents; a twin brother, Harold Gullett; another brother, William Gullett, and a sister, Mrs. Eveyln Scarbrough, all of Roberts. One niece also survives.
Funeral Services
Funeral Services were conducted on Monday, November 20th, 1950 at 2:00 p.m. form the Roberts Methodist church with Reverend Dean Dalrymple and Reverend Brooks C. Barker officiating.
Music for the service was furnished by Mrs. Mary Jane Harrison and Mrs. Juanita Fritchley. They were accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Edna Colteaux.
Pallbearers were Fred Holy, William Sherfey, William Shambrook, William Thompson, Howard Bars, and James Zahnd.
Those in charge of the beautiful floral arrangements were Florence Fairley, Ardelle Cook, Margie Killip, Loretta Shomer, Donna Mies, and Betty Thompson.
Interment was made in the Lyman Cemetery at Roberts.
Business places in Roberts were closed during the services.
The services were attended by a large crowd who came to pay their last respects. In addition to the many in attendance from the local community, there were relatives and friends from Warsau, Indiana; Chicago; Fairbury; Chatsworth; Onarga; Gibson City; Piper City; Loda, and Melvin.
The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved survivors.
--Roberts Herald. 22 November 1950.
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