Lillie Shives, daughter of James and Sarah (Garmon) Shives was born at Glasglow, Kentucky, August 6, 1877, and departed this life at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Warnke two miles northeast of Roberts, Illinois, Monday afternoon, April 18, 1932, at six o'clock, aged 54 years, 8 months and 12 days.
She grew to womanhood in Kentucky and was married to William Cawthon there. To them were born four children who survive her. These are Ira Cawthon, Ray Cawthon, Miss Iva Cawthon and Mrs. Eula Warnke. Mr. Cawthon died in Kentucky and Mrs. Cawthon came to Illinois with her children. She has lived in this vicinity about three years.
Mrs. Cawthon was taken ill about a week ago. She has been suffering with arterial scleroses for some time but did not give up and continued about her usual work until about a week ago. Since that time she has failed rapidly and during the night Sunday night she suffered a cerebral hemorrhage which caused her death Monday evening.
The funeral services will be held at the home Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. Williams of Hoopeston officiating. Interment will be in Lyman Cemetery.
--Roberts Herald. 20 April 1932.
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