Henry A. Forney

Henry A. Forney was born in Hanover, Pennsylvania, June 29, 1849, and died at his home in Brimfield, Illinois April 21, 1920, at the age of 70 years, 2 months and 22 days.
Mr. Forney was the son of James H. and Margaret Allewelt (?) Forney, his father being a teacher, teaching in German and English, in Pennsylvania. In 1855 when Henry was six years of age the family came west, settling in Jubilee township, in Peoria County, Illinois. Here he grew to manhood on his father's farm, entering into the life of this new country and doing his full share of work and assuming the responsibilities that came to rugged manhood.
His education was acquired in the public schools. Upon reaching his majority he started out in life for him self, going from Peoria to Woodford county, where he farmed for about five years. He then moved to Ford County, near Roberts, which was then rapidly settling up, and where he believed there was an excellent opening for farming. Here he lived for a number of years acquiring a fine farm home, and taking an active interest in public affairs and enjoying the confidence and esteem of a wide circle of friends, always giving his active support to those interests and enterprises calculated to improve and upbuild the community.
About twenty five years ago he decided to quit farming and return to his early home at Brimfield. He leased his farm and returning to Brimfield, Peoria County, purchased property and embarked in the restaurant business. In addition to this he became interested in various other enterprises, which he conducted until failing health compelled him to retire. For some time past he has steadily declined, and he has been confined to his home for a number of months.
Mr. Forney was an active, industrious man, and his word was as good as a bond. He was a good neighbor, a loyal friend, and a devoted husband.
On September 5, 1872, he was united in marriage to Miss Frances Shambrook. To this union was born one daughter, Eva May, who died at the age of eight months, and lies at rest in the family lot in the cemetery at Roberts. Here the father was taken and interred by her side. He is survived by the loving wife who has so faithfully cared for him during the time of his long illness. He also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Belle Hart of Princeville and Mrs. Cora Haywood of Peoria, and two brothers, Leander Forney, of Ingersoll, Oklahoma, and James L. Forney of Brimfield.
The funeral service was held at the M. E. Church in Roberts, Saturday, April 24th,  1920 at two o'clock, P.M. Rev. D. G. DuBois officiating. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mrs. Cora Hayward of Peoria, James and Cliff Forney and Mr. and Mrs. George LaFolette and daughter Lucile of Brimfield, E. A. Bear, Frank Bear and Marshall Bear of Watseka, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Newman and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shambrook of Forrest and H. M. Hawthorn of Piper City.

Card of Thanks.
I wish to thank the many friends who so kindly assisted at the funeral and burial of my beloved husband, those who gave the flowers, those who furnished autos, and those who helped in many ways that I can not enumerate, also Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shambrook for their kindness in taking us into their home. All these kindnesses will be remembered.
Mrs. Henry Forney

--Roberts Herald.  28 April 1920.

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